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Transform Your Smile with Braces

Feeling insecure about your dental imperfections? i-smile’s dental braces services are here to save the day, at a reasonable price!

About Braces

Types of Braces

01Self-Ligating Metal Braces


Self-Ligating Metal Braces

Similar to traditional metal braces but it has a built-in mechanism that secures the wire to the bracket without the need for elastic ties. This can result in easier cleaning and fewer adjustment appointments.

Advantages of Self-Ligating Metal Braces:
  • Faster treatment times
  • Less discomfort during treatment
  • Fewer adjustments needed
  • Easier to clean and maintain oral hygiene
Self-Ligating Metal Braces

02Traditional Metal Braces


Traditional Metal Braces

The most common type of braces used in orthodontic treatment. It can gradually move your teeth into their correct positions over time by using metal brackets and wires that attach to your teeth with elastic ties.

Advantages of Traditional Metal Braces:
  • Suitable for most of the dental issues
  • Fun and personalized braces journey (colored elastic ties)
  • Strong and durable materials
  • More affordable than other braces
Traditional Metal Braces

03Ceramic Braces


Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces work similarly to traditional metal braces but the brackets are made from clear or tooth-colored ceramic material instead of metal. Hence, they are less noticeable.

Advantages of Ceramic Braces:
  • Less noticeable
  • Less discomfort
  • Suitable for people with metal allergies
Ceramic Braces

04Clear Aligners


Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are an alternative orthodontic treatment that uses clear plastic aligners to move teeth into their desired position gradually. Each set of aligners is custom-made to fit an individual's teeth and mouth.

Advantages of Clear Aligners:
  • Visually invisible
  • Less discomfort
  • Custom-made
  • Removable hence easier cleaning
Clear Aligners

Common Bite Problems



Teeth Gap

Open Bite

Crowded Teeth


Abnormal Eruption


Teeth Gap
Open Bite
Crowded Teeth
Abnormal Eruption

When the upper and lower teeth do not come together or bite in the correct position.

When the lower front teeth or jaw sit ahead of the upper front teeth or jaw.

When the size and number of teeth are smaller than the underlying supporting bone results in gaps between teeth.

When teeth do not make contact with each other. With an anterior open bite, the front teeth do not touch when the back teeth are closed together.

When the size and number of teeth are larger than the underlying supporting bone results in overlapping of teeth.

When the upper front teeth excessively overlap the lower front teeth when the back teeth are closed.

Eruption of tooth in the wrong place.

When teeth stick out further than is aesthetically pleasing.

Smile Transformation

Transformation #1

Dental Problems



Crowded Teeth

Crowded Teeth


24 visits

Transformation #2

Dental Problems



Teeth Gap

Teeth Gap




32 visits

Transformation #3

Dental Problems

Open bite

Open bite


16 visits

Transformation #4

Dental Problems

Abnormal Eruption

Abnormal Eruption


11 visits ( in progression)

Braces Journey

Your Journey of Getting a Beautiful Smile

Braces Journey
Step 1: Consultation

We’ll check if there’s any dental treatment required prior to braces such as scaling, filling, or extraction.

Braces Journey
Step 2: Pre-Braces Dental Treatment/Braces Documentation

Pre-braces dental treatment might require a few appointments depending on the condition of the oral cavity, while braces documentation includes facial profiles, intra-oral photos, X-rays, and molds of your dentition.

Braces Journey
Step 3: Kickstart Braces Journey

Now, it’s time for the placement of braces! We will determine the best treatment plan based on your dental issues.

Braces Journey
Step 4: Follow-up

Follow-up appointments will be scheduled every 1 to 2 months to monitor your progression.

Braces Journey
Step 5: Completion of Braces Journey

Congratulations! You have completed your braces journey. Now you are moving to the next stage, which is retention - wearing a retainer to maintain your smile.


Our Patients’ Journey to Perfect Smiles

Here’s what our patients say about us!

braces testimony- melanie youtube
braces testimony ray - youtube
braces testimony - tommy- youtube